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Cassington GP’s 4th September

  Video courtesy of Terry Godfrey. A group of 17 Cattle Egrets dropped in pre-roost at Cassington GP’s at sunset for c30 minuetsbefore heading off 4/9 (per Terry Godfrey). There…

Bird News Tuesday 5th September

Moulting adult American Golden Plover still from viewing platform at Inch Marsh, Co Donegal (Sean Cronin). The Ruff is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve this morning (Daniel Newton).…

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Whitemoor Haye Marsh Harrier thru at 08:25, (SCo) Berryhill 2x Wheatear by dried out scrape, (CWo)                            …

Chinnor: Chinnor Hill: 5th September

Chinnor: Chinnor Hill 4 Spotted Flycatcher: Family party in trees south of the reserve. SP768005. 10:00. David Stracey

Carterton: 5th September

Carterton Lesser Whitethroat: One briefly at muckheap this morning. Over recent days no warblers except odd chiffchaff, no yellow wagtails, no chats and even pied wagtails down to none/1. 19:23.…

Bird News Monday 4th September

Ruff at Belfast RSPB WoW Reserve this morning (Daniel Newton). At the Bann Estuary last night 87 waders of 8 species were caught including single Bar-tailed Godwit and Ruff (Richard…

Monday 4th September 2023

Belvide Resv 3x Black Tern late afternoon,  Gailey Resv Common Sandpiper, 5x Little Grebe, (SRi) Middleton Lakes Juv Marsh Harrier, Branston GPs 3x Greenshank, Redshank, 3x Ruff, 10x Curlew, 10x…

Farmoor Reservoir 4th September

Black Tern on F1 c14:43 (per RBA).

Standlake: 4th September

Standlake Spotted Flycatcher: In garden. 16:31. Mick Cunningham

Bird News Sunday 3rd September

American Golden Plover Rathlin heard in flight towards Mill Bay but not relocated. Also a juvenile Cuckoo the latest ever record (Ric Else & Hazel Watson). Red-throated Diver off Portstewart…