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  • Chipping Norton: 29th September

Chipping Norton: 29th September

Chipping Norton Raven: Over woods near Chastleton W of CN. SP258283. 15:30. Kestrel: SP258283. 15:30. 30 House Martin: SP258283. 15:30. Steve Akers

Bird News Thursday 28th September

Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Ballykelly and a juvenile Black Tern is at Magilligan Point. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn). A Grey Phalarope was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve 1130-1240…

Thursday 28th September 2023

                                   WEST MIDLAND BIRD CLUB STAFFORD BRANCH              …

Farmoor Reservoir: 28th September

Farmoor Reservoir 30 Barnacle Goose: approx. 11:00. 80 Snow Goose: Approx. 11:00. 2 Common Sandpiper 11:00. 10 House Martin: Minimum. 11:00. Wheatear 11:00. Yellow-legged Gull 11:00. J Blunt

Farmoor Reservoir: 28th September

Farmoor Reservoir 2 Common Sandpiper 11:00. 4 Grey Wagtail 11:00. Wheatear 11:00. Simon Cousins

Sarsgrove: 28th September

Sarsgrove 5 Stonechat: 3m, 2f. SP303250. 10:00. 120 Meadow Pipit: Mippits everywhere – filling the sky – beautiful! SP303250. 10:00. 2 Chiffchaff: SP303250. 10:00. 23 Swallow: SP303250. 10:00. 11 Yellowhammer:…

Bird News Wednesday 27th September

St Johns Point at different times of the day had 3 Common Scoter, 2 Red Throat and 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 juv Sabines Gull, 1 Storm Petrel and 13…

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Blithfield Resv 08:15 – 12:45, 4x Great Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, 23x Egyptian Geese, Peregrine, 3x Red Kite, 5x YL Gull, 11x Ringed Plover, Little Stint, 5x Wheatear, Whinchat, 5x Stonechat,…

Sarsgrove: 27th September

Sarsgrove 70 Goldfinch: Large flock by Sarsgrove Farm. 16:30. 23 Meadow Pipit 16:30. 7 Mistle Thrush 16:30. 40 Starling 16:30. 2 Kestrel 16:30. Steve Akers

Farmoor – 27 September 2023

  5 Adult Whooper Swans. Initially on F2, they left to the East at 1150 before returning onto F1 and then leaving at 1240