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  • South Leigh: 9th May

South Leigh: 9th May

South Leigh 2 Yellow Wagtail: pair in same location where they bred last year. 19:00. Richard Catling

First Blood: Greater Prairie Chickens in South Dakota

What’s Up? Excitement on the Prairie On Wednesday afternoon the wind picked up considerably so Kevin decided to take a ride to our shooting location to check on the blinds.…

South coast and a Greenland White-fronted Goose

A few hirundines at Penally included a swallow and four sand martins that appeared to be inspecting near vertical faces on eroded sand dunes at Giltar Point. Hopefully, they will…

South Leigh 21st March

House Martin (per RBA).

Down South – Ducks and Harriers

Bosherston – Lesser and 3 Greater Scaups still there today, in the company of 4 Tufted Ducks. It was nice to see 10 Gadwall there also as well as the…

South Hinksey: 19th January

South Hinksey 10 Lapwing: In field just west of A34. 17:32. D Moden

Down south

Paul and I paid a visit to the south side late this afternoon. Richards Great egret was almost hidden as it fed along the channel deep in the reedbed at Crickmarren…

South Oxon: 18th December

Great Bustard today  

South Leigh: 12th October

South Leigh Merlin: juv … prob a fem on size. Great view. Flew N low over rough field next to footpath. 15:32. 2 Stonechat 15:32. Mick Cunningham

South Leigh: 30th September

South Leigh 2 Raven 18:20. Richard Catling