• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


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Sprinkle Pill – more (?) Ospreys and Redstart

 2 Ospreys were circling the top of the pill when I arrived early this evening. They continued to circle southwards as they disappeared over the fields towards Llangwm. Further down…

Sandwich Terns – Sprinkle Pill

 Unusual to see 2 Sandwich Terns today amongst the Black-headed Gulls at the mouth of Sprinkle Pill. Also 19+ Curlews and at least one Whimbrel. 

Hook / Sprinkle Pill

 51 Black-tailed Godwits were feeding in the pill at low tide today with a few of them now in breeding plumage. The remnants of the winter’s Redshanks (6) and Teal…

Sprinkle Pill this afternoon.

An hour or so as the rising tide approached it’s high point. Large flocks of Lapwing (c 2000+), Golden Plover (c 1500+) and Dunlin (600+) on the mud flats at…

Sprinkle Pill and Great Egret

Good numbers of waders and wildfowl now at the mouth of the pill.  Golden Plover (500+), Lapwing (200+), Redshank (51), Dunlin (55), Curlew (10+), Bar-tailed Godwit (2), Snipe (1), Greenshank…