• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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Sandwich Terns – Teifi

3 Sandwich Terns sheltering in the main river off St Dogmael’s this evening. May be other interesting terns or waders around.

Teifi migrants

The first Sedge Warbler was singing on the Teifi marshes this morning. A noticeable increase in Chiffs, Blackcaps and Willow Warblers. At least 100 Sand Martins were over the pools…

Bonaparte’s Gull – Teifi

1st winter Bonaparte’s Gull – c200m up river of The Webley Hotel, Teifi Estuary.  Adult Iceland Gull and 2nd cal year Caspian Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull and 16+ Med Gulls here…

Willow Warblers, Osprey..the Teifi.

At least three Willow Warblers singing around the Teifi Marshes, and another singing in St Dogmaels. An Osprey roosting in a tree on Nia Stephen’s family farm just outside Cardigan…

Sand Martins – Teifi Marshes

At least 7 Sand Martins feeding over the Teifi Marshes this evening

Waxwings – Teifi Marshes

We are now on day 19 of the Waxwings on the Teifi Marshes. The feeding flock has now increased to seven including a new bird colour-ringed in Newtown, Powys on 2nd…

Teifi Marshes – Waxwings etc

With limited opportunities to get out and about this week (meetings and vehicle service) we decided to head up to Teifi Marshes this morning to check out the waxwings. The…

The Teifi – Firecrests

Two Firecrests near the river view point on the reserve yesterday- one we ringed in February this year,  our first ever returning site faithful Firecrest. The Red-throated Diver, Great Crested…

Brent Geese – the Teifi

Twenty Light-bellied Brent Geese was a nice surprise this afternoon – I thought this autumn’s novel passage of Brent Geese through the Teifi estuary was over. Also 65 Wigeon, 1…

Teifi – Curlew Sands and Brent Geese

 This morning, after high tide, there was a Curlew Sandpiper with the small waders on Poppit.  32 Dunlin, 46 Ringed Plover, 2 Turnstone and  3 Bar-tailed Godwit were typical of the…