• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Duck in Flight

Your Call? Is larger in the frame always better? Why or why not? Which two of today’s featured images is the stringer image? Please leave a comment and let us…

Better Than a Poke in the Eye With a Sharp Stick …

Important Notice After an update on 4 May, WordPress stopped sending post notifications. We are aware of the issue and are working on rectifying it. You can always visit the…

Better Than Most: Sony a9 iii Bird-Eye Detection Autofocus

Sony a9 iii Bird-Face/Eye Detection Autofocus With bird’s flying from one side of the frame to the other in either direction, most of today’s high-end mirrorless bodies will occasionally (and…

Strongest Dog Breeds: What Dog Is Stronger Than a Pitbull?

The post Strongest Dog Breeds: What Dog Is Stronger Than a Pitbull? appeared first on Petdogplanet - The Place For Dog Breeds And Expert Pet Advice. If we talk about…

“Switching from Canon to Sony was the Smartest Thing I Ever Did Other than Marrying Nancy.” Monte Brown

Amazon In it’s infinite wisdom, the Amazon affiliate program recently eliminated all types of generic and logo links as well as product-specific links with images such as those formerly featured…

Urban great tits have paler plumage than their forest-living relatives

Known for their striking yellow breast feathers and distinctive song, Great Tits are a common sight in gardens and countryside alike. Now, new research has revealed that some Great Tits…

Ospreys breed in Ireland for first time for more than 200 years

The birds have re-colonised naturally in the area and have successfully produced at least two, possibly three chicks – the first known wild Osprey chicks on the island of Ireland…

Do hummingbirds drink alcohol? More often than you think

You may not realize it, but that backyard hummingbird feeder filled with sugar water is a natural experiment in fermentation — yeast settle in and turn some of the sugar…

Urban Great Tits less stressed than their countryside cousins

Certain animals are able to adjust well to environments that have been created or altered by human activity. We live in an age in which urbanization is proceeding at an…

EU Taxonomy: Better no Delegated Act than a greenwashed one

A coalition of 25 environmental NGOs has sent a letter to the European Commission urging it not to produce a Taxonomy Delegated Act on agriculture unless it closely follows the advice of its…