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Aston Upthorpe: 20th April

Aston Upthorpe 2 Wheatear 13:00. Nick Suckling

Aston Upthorpe: 16th April

Aston Upthorpe 6 Wheatear: SU834546. 15:53. Frances Buckel

Aston Upthorpe: 15th April

15th April Aston Upthorpe 4 Wheatear: fem. Seen in field west of grain store. SU549845. 16:30. 2 Wheatear: fem. One seen in field south of the Ridgeway and the other…

Aston Upthorpe: 2nd April

Aston Upthorpe Ring Ouzel John Taylor

Aston Upthorpe 15th October

Hen Harrier Aston Upthorpe Downs this morning (per RBA).

Aston Upthorpe: 26th September

Aston Upthorpe 4 Whinchat: Two separate groups of 2 2 located at SU537828 and the other 2 at SU543828. SU537828. 18:00. 3 Stonechat: SU544828. 18:00. Steve Violette

Aston Upthorpe: 25th September

Aston Upthorpe Stonechat 00:17. John Taylor

Aston Upthorpe: 25th September

Aston Upthorpe Wheatear John Taylor

Aston Upthorpe: 25th September

Aston Upthorpe Whinchat John Taylor

Aston Upthorpe 30th July

Wheatear 2 (per Alan Dawson). Courtesy of Alan Dawson.