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The Battle Cats – Happy New Year 2023! (Cruel Assassin Bear)

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Brid Group events in the New Year

Chris Taylor has been making arrangements for two events in the New Year. 21 January @ 1300 – Exploration of Fishguard Flagpoles area with Clive Hurford  and Chris Taylor. Places…

CAT 2023 | Daily schedule | Preparation for 99 percentile in CAT | CAT in 1 year

CATKing Courses – https://www.courses.catking.in/cat-courses/ (Call – 8999118999) Best Profile Course – https://www.engage7x.com/academy/ CAT Mentorship – https://catking.in/get-mentored-experts/ Sir’s Personal Blog – https://youtube.com/c/sumitsinghgandhi Sir’s IG Page – https://instagram.com/travel.decamplife?igshid=qqqy8xooer99 CATKing IG Page –…

Sweet 16 | Game Of The Year! Cats Prevail In All-Time Epic

Geelong defeated Richmond by three points in an instant classic at the MCG, the Cats’ fifth straight win in a run of 16 through September. source

Hunting Feral Pigs with Dogs New South Wales. Part 2 : 1 year on YouTube.

Happy 1st Birthday Wells Adventures ! “Looking Back” Part 2 : 1 Year on You Tube. In this second part of the series we take a look … source

9 year old dog looks like a puppy!

For grooming and pet products check out… https://www.girlwiththedogs.com. source

Domestic Cats Kill 7 Million Birds in Colombia Each Year, According to First-of-its-Kind Study

Cats kill a staggering number of birds each year in Colombia, according to a recent study that attempts to quantify the threat of cats to the country’s birdlife. The authors…

4 MILLION Dogs Were Poisoned By THESE Last Year!

Its Time For Better Supervision, Check Out This Video: https://youtu.be/OJaT_3RB3LU Are You Wanting To Be A Better Leader For … source

Year of the Rabbit | Season 1 Official Trailer

Dirty London, filthy copper. Don’t miss the series premiere Wednesday, February 19 at 10:30. Detective Inspector Rabbit and his new young partners investigate murder trials in Victorian London. Anxieties rise…

Changes we've made to our bird care this year!

We have made some big changes this year to how we care for our birds (we try to do better every year by our birds). First change is our new,…