• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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If You’re Free This Coming Week. Concrete Backgrounds?

What’s Up? I really enjoyed reading the comments at the last two blog posts. Thanks to the many who participated. There was not much in bloom at Ridge Audubon on…

3 signs your cats think you’re their Mom #cat #catfacts #cats #pets


You’re NOT Ready For “Leash Walking” Until Your Dog Can Do THIS!

Leash walking training can be a real struggle for LOTS of dog owners. The process can be even more difficult if you have a dog … source

FTX Rabbit Hole Goes WAY Deeper Than You’re Being Told

FTX used clients money to take risky bets. Those bets lost as the market fell further. Many companies saw their assets grow as clients saw crypto gaining. Once the trend…

6 Signs You're a Bad Bird Owner

Hi Buddies, Did you ever wonder whether you’re a really good owner for your bird? Maybe you think you’re a great owner, but what about your bird? Does it think…

You’re only going to watch this because of my dogs…. I know!

Grab yourself a Dunsany jersey! https://www.oneills.com/us_en/shop-by-team/gaa/ireland/dunsany-gaa.html Join the Terroriser … source

NEVER catch a homeless dog by the leg unless you're willing to take a painful bite!

I really need your help today. Please ask Amazon to support #HopeForPaws by clicking here: … source

What Cats Do When You’re Not Home (Part 2)

##cats #pets #shorts What Pets Do When You’re Not Home Credit: @Supermassive https://instagram.com/supermassivemusic Follow Us: https://www.instagram.com/edm.movement/ https://www.facebook.com/edmvmt Tweets by edmvmt https://discord.gg/35xNFw Visit our website: https://edmmovement.net/ Spotify Playlists: EDM Movement: https://sptfy.com/9gSL…

If you think 27 dogs means as messy house, you're wrong | The Asher House

Fun fact: I’m kind of a neat freak. And if you think 27 dogs means an always messy house, well, you’re wrong. Because of Simple … source

not because you're a rabbit
