• Sat. Jul 13th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Firecrest, Broad Haven Slash Pond


A hyperactive Firecrest was feeding in the scrubby woodland just behind the upper viewing platform on the Slash Pond boardwalk at Broad Haven today,  This seems to be a regular wintering location, having seen them here on at least two previous occasions. It would not stay still for more than a couple of seconds, so I was lucky to get this picture.

Nearby were two Chiffchaffs feeding on the flying insects in what is often a warm sheltered spot, along with Goldcrests, tits, thrushes, a Bullfinch pair and a couple of Chaffinches that showed no interest in my offering of biscuit crumbs. A Water Rail was squealing in the overgrowth beside the pond.

Earlier on a flat sea at low tide off Broad Haven beach were about a dozen dispersed Red-throated Divers, six of them as three pairs, plus singles of Gannet, Oystercatcher and Common Scoter and a few usual gulls.