• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


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Firecrest at the Gann

 A highly mobile Firecrest was in the bushes by the Car Park at the Gann this morning. It then flew across the road and I lost it soon after that, but it…

Martletwy firecrest and Withybush wagtail roost

Annie watched a firecrest as it moved along the hedgerow with a goldcrest in front of our house near Martletwy this morning. This was probably the first one that either of us has…

Hook – Firecrest, Spotted Redshank, Whooper Swans

 2 walks of the dog by Sprinkle Pill today turned out to be quite productive for birds. This morning produced a Firecrest in the woods at the head of the…

Firecrest & Barn Owl

 2 Firecrests foraging in the shrubs in St Ishmaels play area this afternoon. Later on the drive home a Barn Owl drifted across the road just south of New Moat.

Firecrest, Broad Haven Slash Pond

A hyperactive Firecrest was feeding in the scrubby woodland just behind the upper viewing platform on the Slash Pond boardwalk at Broad Haven today,  This seems to be a regular…

Firecrest Alley

Two visits today to the Carding Mill path between Carew Cheriton and Milton. This morning, the best I could do was 4 chiffchaffs – a single at the E end…