• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Down south


Jan 12, 2024 , ,

Paul and I paid a visit to the south side late this afternoon. Richards Great egret was almost hidden as it fed along the channel deep in the reedbed at Crickmarren Pool. Next a brief stop by Corseside nursery to scan the Corse turned up the female Marsh harrier and about 20 Stock dove. Down to Angle harbour, 30 Black-tailed godwits and 46 Pintail the pick here. Final stop at the Corse before dusk. The Marsh harrier was still busy covering the western side of the reedbed. The other Great egret was towards the inland side beyond the pines before flying closer towards dusk, 3-4 Little egrets were moving around, at one time it looked like they were heading out to sea but turned around, and a Cattle egret appeared after sunset and roosted just out from the hide. A female Hen harrier put in two appearances, and on the second it was joined by a smaller ringtail, both flying side by side for a few minutes before they drifted inland and lost to sight. Annoyingly I had been following the female harrier in the scope as it approached from Starmans end and getting superb views as it drew nearer but had gone to the binoculars as it came closer and only then noticed the second bird coming in to join it, frustratingly by which time given the failing light neither Paul or I could get anything more apart from it being clearly a lighter bird.