• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bosherston – colour-ringed Med Gull


On 19th Caroline Pickett photographed an adult Med Gull at Bosherston that she subsequently realised had a yellow ring.  A sharp photo and good fortune enabled the ring to be read – AS.UJ.

This bird is a male and was ringed in Germany near to Leipzig in May ’20, and as well as repeat visits their during the breeding season, this is the same bird that I have previously seen at the Gann (Dec. ’20-Feb. ’21, and Jan. ’23).  He seems to have a pattern also of dropping into East Yorkshire in late summer, having been recorded at Kilnsea Wetlands in Aug. ’20, July ’21, and July-Aug. ’23.  He has not been recorded anywhere else.

Photo: Caroline Pickett