• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

A new hub for information on the UK’s birds


A wealth of information on the UK’s birds has been brought together in a free online resource. BirdFacts provides key information about the UK’s birds and their changing fortunes, based on data collected by BTO and partner organisations.

Have you ever wondered how many eggs a Blackbird usually lays or how long it is likely to spend incubating? Perhaps you want to know how Greenfinch populations have changed over the decades or the typical lifespan for a Robin. All this information and much, much more, is now available through BTO BirdFacts, an incredible web resource that brings together the wealth of data collected by volunteers for BTO and partner organisations through nearly 90 years of monitoring and research.

BirdFacts covers all species that have been recorded in the wild in the UK, plus many non-native species that have become established here. In addition to facts about the UK’s birds, there is an interactive component – BTO Trends Explorer – that enables you to look at changes in populations over different periods of time and across different parts of the country. Information from other surveys will be added over the coming months.

Greenfinch, copyright Glyn Sellors, from the surfbirds galleries 

This unique resource, which is free to access and use, has been developed with the kind support of the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

Simon Gillings, BTO Principal Data Scientist, said “At a time of unprecedented environmental change, it is vital that we share knowledge of our bird populations as widely as possible, so that our facts and figures – the robust evidence on which conservation action is based – can be used to effect positive change.”

Dr Gillings added, “BTO and partner organisations monitor the populations of many of birds through core surveys. For these species, BirdFacts provides robust and up-to-date information on status, distribution, biology and trends, all thanks to data collected by volunteers.”

BirdFacts can be accessed at www.bto.org/birdfacts