• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Are cats scared of CUCUMBERS?


Cats are the most common pet in the world, but there is still a lot we don’t know about them. They have some strange characteristics and personalty traits. Why is it that cats seem to love sitting in circles, and why do they have an irrational fear of cucumbers?

This is a circle. And this is a fat cat. When a circle big enough for him to fit inside is put on the floor nearby, he will generally approach the circle and sit inside of it for a substantial amount of time.

But why is this? Is a circle there favourite shape? Do they think it will teleport them away from there annoying owners? We are not sure of the exact reason for this but the most probable reason is that cats are generally inquisitive of new things so will explore anything unfamiliar to the room. They also like the safety of enclosed spaces like boxes or circles.

the power of social media has also revealed a trait in cats that scientists previously knew nothing of. Cats are petrified of cucumbers. Well they are if they’re placed behind them whilst they’re having their dinner. upon turning around and seeing the cucumber they spring away from the situation as fast as possible, seemingly terrified of this common salad ingredient. Animal behaviourists believe this is down to the shock factor: that thing wasn’t there before and now it is so the cat wants to get out of the situation as quickly as is physically possible in order to assess the danger from afar. Us humans know a cucumber is just a harmless fruit (yes, I said fruit!) but a cat could see a snake, a giant insect or anything else resembling a threat. Not so funny now is it?

Did you know?
– Milk is actually bad for adult cats. as they grow up they cannot digest lactose in milk and can get upset stomachs if they are fed milk.

– cats have 32 muscles in the ear. Humans only have 6. their ears can also independently move 180 degrees.ß

– In ancient Egypt when a pet cat died, owners would go into mourning and shave their eyebrows. They would also often be mummified just like humans.

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#cats #funny #cucumber


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