• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Monday 22nd May


May 23, 2023 , , , , ,
At the weekend, a Cuckoo was seen at Crossdernott Bog, Co. Tyrone and 2 Cuckoo were calling at Davagh Forest, Cookstown (Godfrey McRoberts)

2 Dark-bellied Brent were with 21 Brent seen off Castle Espie (Nathan Gilbert)
A Stock Dove and Cuckoo were at Tollymore (Keith Bates & Julie Hillman)
6 Crossbill, a Cuckoo and a Great Spotted Woodpecker were at Bannagher Gln, Co Derry (Theo Campbell P McCarron)
A Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a private garden at Trillick (Rev Ivan Foster)
Yesterday Rathlin had 2 Corncrake, Long-eared Owl, 2 Sanderling, a White Wagtail and a Cuckoo (Nathan Gilbert)
This afternoon the Osprey was seen again at Woodburn (Finn Carragher)
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Rev Ivan Foster: