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The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Saturday 16th March

The Lesser Scaup was in the inner bay at Kinnegoe marina at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong).

An early Common Tern was off Kinnegar shore in Belfast Lough. (Stuart Cossey).
Eleven Velvet Scoters and two Slavonian Grebes were off Macedon Point in Belfast Lough. (Stuart McKee).
An adult Grey-bellied Brent was among 800 Brent in Killough Harbour. (Chris Murphy).
Four Great White Egrets, a 1st winter Little Gull and a single Pinkfoot were at Lough Beg. (Richard Hunter).
A Great White Egret was at Todds Corner, Ardmore, Lough Neagh. (David Clarke).
A Great Spotted Woodpecker was in a garden in Ballyskeagh, Lisburn. (Pauline McKee).
A Swallow was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Linda Thompson)
A House Martin was heard at Oxford Island this evening. (Nathan Gilbert).
Great White Egret, David Clarke.