• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Saturday 27th January

A Chiffchaff was near the entrance to Kinnegar water treatment works. (Daniel Newton).

A Long-tailed Duck was in the channel at Myroe. (Donna Riddell).
3 Pinkfeet were at the Closet meadows at Oxford Island and another Pinkfoot was at Reedy Flats. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).
The 3 Twite were still at the boatyard in Whitehead. (Leia Giesel).
A female Brambling and a Great Spotted Woodpecker are visiting a garden near Castle Park in Bangor. (Barry McKee).
A Great White Egret is at Mullagh, Lough Beg. (Richard Gray).
A Glaucous Gull was at Portballintrae. (Michael Latham).

A male Ring-necked Duck was with the Tufted Duck flock at Lough Beg today, also seen around the lake were a 1st-winter Little Gull, two Cattle Egrets, five Great Egrets and a flock of 13 Pink-footed Geese. (David Steele).

Brambling, Barry McKee.

Great Northern Diver, Juliet Fleming.

Glaucous Gull, Michael Latham.

Twite, Leia Giesel.