• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Saturday 4th May


May 5, 2024 , , , , ,
A Wood Sandpiper and 3 Ruff were in the centre of Reedy Flats (Garry Armstrong)

3 Whinchat were on Copeland today (CBO)

A summer plumaged Great Northern Diver was off Tides restaurant, Portstewart(Natalie Montgomery)
A Dark-bellied Brent was off Loughshore car park. The north foreshore Belfast lough also had a  Common Scoter and 6 Red Throated Diver (Stuart McKee)
Fourteen Turnstone, 52 Dunlin, two Whimbrel, four Pink-footed Geese, a Cuckoo and 24 White Wagtails were at Lough Beg today. (David Steele)
Yesterday two Ravens were in and around City Hall, Belfast yesterday afternoon (Seamus O’Hara)