• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Sunday 16th April


Apr 17, 2023 , , , , ,
A Black-crowned Night Heron is at the north end of Loughbrickland Lake. It is roosting on the island at the north end. (Mike McLaughlin). The bird was seen to fly out from the island at 19:44 (Stephen Dunbar).

A single Black-necked Grebe was in the middle of Reedy Flats. A Whimbrel and 10 White Wagtails were also present. (Garry Armstrong)

The Spotted Redshank is still at Ballycarry (Shirley Dunlop /  Gerard McGeehan)
Three Egyptian Geese are at Portmore RSPB Reserve (Alan Dickson)
Lough Beg this morning had 12 male Ruff in various stages of breeding plumage, four Whimbrel, two Greenshank, a Turnstone and 100+ White Wagtails (David Steele)
A Long-eared Owl was at Dunvale, Ballymena (Gareth Platt)
Six Wheatear are at the D3 area next to RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton). Another Wheatear was at Sandy Bay, Larne (Linda Thompson).
Three Common Tern were at Portmore Lough RSPB this afternoon (Ade Fox)
The first Corncrake on Tory Island was heard today (Anton Meenan)
A Cuckoo was heard at Lough Navar Forest, Co Fermanagh (Annette Elkin)
A Common Sandpiper was at Mill Bay, Rathlin (Patrick Barton)
Black-crowned Night Heron, Loughbrickland:
Philip West:

Wilton Farrelly:

Wheatear, Linda Thompson: