• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Sunday 19th November

A Long-tailed Duck was off the breakwater at the back of the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong).

A group of Purple Sandpipers were at the promenade at Portstewart, a female Common Scoter off the coastal zone in Portrush, a Great Northern Diver and Common Scoter at Portballintrae, and Twite at Magheracross. (Donna Riddell).
At least 15 Waxwings in Poplars just outside Ballymoney on the way to Ballymena. (Jeff Larkin).
8 Long-tailed Duck and 3 Ruff were at Mullagh, Lough Beg. (Richard Hunter).
A Great Northern Diver, 4 Red-throated Divers, a Slavonian Grebe, a Carrion Crow & a partially leucistic Rook, were the best at Kinnegar this morning. (Kevin Kirkham).
Portmore Lough RSPB had the Marsh Harrier and 3 Great White Egrets. (Adam Roberts).
A Red-throated Diver was off Macedon Point and a Jack Snipe was at Mossley Meadows. (Steven Farquhar).
A Pinkfoot was with Greylags off Abbacy Road, Ardfern on the outer Ards. (Wilton Farrelly).
Yesterday a single Waxwing was in Carrickfergus. (Andy Morrow, Brian Sutton).
Common Scoter – William Smiton

Common Scoter – William Smiton