• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Sunday 7th April


Apr 8, 2024 , , , , ,

White-tailed Eagle on the edge of Coleraine heading towards the Bann Estuary (Richard Donaghey).

Cattle Egret still with the bull at Brankins Island Road (Aaron Long).

Long-tailed Duck still on the pond at Myroe (Martin Deehan).

White Wagtails, Wheatears, Swallows and Sandwich Terns at Portstewart (John Clarke).

10 Waxwings Portstewart beside Tesco (Theo Campbell & P McC)

Cattle Egret near Strabane Canal this morning (Brian Hegarty).

The probable Scandanavian Rock Pipit still present on Rathlin with exceptionally early Arctic Tern and Swift, also 3 Tree Pipits and a single Brambling. 30 Willow Warblers impressive at the west of the island amongst the commoner migrants and a couple of Redwings still present (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

Drake Lesser Scaup from the inner marina, Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island NNR this afternoon (Aaron Long).

Swallows as well as Sand Martins are now being widely reported so only exceptional counts will be itemised forthwith.

Cattle Egret, Aaron Long & Michael Statham:

White-tailed Eagle, Richard Donaghey:

Arctic Tern and Tree Pipit, Ric Else / Hazel Watson:

Greater Scaup with Tufted Duck, Michael Statham:

Lesser Scaup, Aaron Long: