• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Thursday 24th August

Excellent news from Fermanagh where a pair of Osprey nested this year. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-66588325

An injured Nightjar was picked up yesterday near Killyleagh, Co Down and unfortunately passed away overnight. (Fiona McMillan)
The Osprey is still at the BannEstuary. A juvenille Black Tern was also present in the fence line (Jeff Larkin / Aaron Long). The Osprey was still present at 3pm (James McDowell)
A Green Sandpiper is at the south side of Ballnahone Bog, Maghera on dragonfly pool (Dave Allen)
A Common Sandpiper and Arctic Tern are at RSPB WoW (Derek Polley)
2 Black Terns were showing well with other terns at Kinnegar Shore (David Nixon / Paul Hunter)
The Black-headed Wagtail is still at Myroe (Theo Campbell / Chris Ingram)

The moulting adult Bonapartes Gull was again at Kinnegar shore late afternoon (Michael Latham)
A Little Tern and Ruff were at Ballyholme Beach (James Andrew)
Nightjar, Fiona McMillan:
Black Terns, adult and juvenile, Kinnegar – Paul Hunter:

Bonaparte’s Gull, Michael Latham:
Osprey, Bann Estuary, Nigel Moore: