• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Thursday 5th October


The 1st winter female Surf Scoter remains at Corbally Road Reservoir (Nigel Moore).

Sinensis Cormorant off Kinnegar Shore (Paul Hilton).

Ringtail Hen Harrier, adult Little Gull and Whimbrel at St John’s Point (Chris Murphy).

No sign of the Grey Phalarope at Belfast Lough WoW RSPB Reserve but 4 Ruff and a Common Sandpiper (Derek Polley/John Fraser/Dot Blakely).

Ring-necked Duck still present at Inch Marsh, Co Donegal (BAND).

6 Ruff were at the high tide roost at Dundrum South Inner Bay (David Nixon).

Sinensis Cormorant, Paul Hilton: