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The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Tuesday 12th September

An adult Little Gull was at Magilligan (Jonny Rosborough)

A Corncrake (presumed to be a juvenile) and Hen Harrier were seen on Rathlin (Peter McAllister)
A Spotted Redshank is at Ballycarry Bridge (Kevin Kirkham)
This morning, 3 Curlew Sandpiper were at Kinnegar Shore. The best at RSPB WoW were 2 Ruff (Daniel Newton)
At least 1 Curlew Sandpiper and 11 Med Gulls were at Myroe (John Spottiswood)
Brent Geese are now widely reported. Thanks for all sightings to date.
Little Gull, Jonny Rosborough:

Curlew Sandpiper, William Smiton:
Hen Harrier, Bill Guiller:

Curlew Sandpipers and Dunlin, Kinnegar, Michael Latham:

You can see more pics of local birds at: http://nibirdpics.blogspot.com/