• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Bird News Tuesday 26th September


The Baltimore Oriole is still on Rathlin. (James Crymble).

A White-rumpled Sandpiper with 8 Curlew Sandpipers in the stubble field at Myroe. Also Pinkfoot an 12 Whooper Swans (Dean Jones).

A Grey Phalarope at Kilclief ( Birds of Strangford & Kilclief FB Page).

A Ruff and a Mediterranean Gull were in the flooded meadows along Canalbank Road at Poyntzpass. (Joe Devlin).

Two Short-eared Owls were reported on the Co. Down coast this afternoon.

3 or 4 Wheatears were between the coastal zone and Ramore Head in Portrush. (Juliet Fleming).

Thanks to Juliet Fleming for the picture of the Wheatear, to Terry Hanna for the picture of the Sanderling and to Wilf Swain for the pictures of the Buzzard: