Early breeding season presence of yellowhammers has been reported from a few locations over the last few days. In addition to Paul’s record of one near Valero yesterday, a minimum of 7-8 males were seen in suitable breeding habitat (mature gorse) near Roch on Friday by Chris Taylor, the owners of the land and ourselves (Bob and Annie).
Chris Orsman from Lamphey surveyed tetrad SS09J (2km x 2km square) near Freshwater East on 28th and 29th April. He recorded a maximum of 17 yellowhammers (mostly singing males) – excellent news from an area that was known to support a good population in the past.
Chris also noted a lesser whitethroat singing on the coast path near Freshwater East on 29th (probably in the same spot of dense scrub we have heard them singing from over the years). A migrant whinchat was seen inland just north of Hodgeston on 28th.
A reminder that all posted sightings of yellowhammers this spring/summer will make a valuable contribution to this year’s breeding survey, especially if you hear singing males or get evidence of breeding. Records can also
be submitted via BirdTrack or
the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (On-line
Wildlife Recording system
or app).
We are particularly keen to have records from tetrads where they have been recorded in the last 8-10 years, as indicated on the map and in the list below.
following link should help to locate a tetrad on an Ordnance
Survey map https://www.bnhs.co.uk/2019/technology/grabagridref/gagr.php. (Copy and paste the tetrad reference eg SS09D, from the table above into the box on the right hand side of the web page)
Bob Haycock, Clive Hurford and Clare Flynn