Chipping Norton
4 Stonechat: 2m, 2f. On the marsh scrub at the small lake near Cornwell – two pairs. SP283268. 16:00.
3 Chiffchaff: SP283268. 16:00.
9 Swallow: Migrating through. SP283268. 16:00.
Meadow Pipit: SP283268. 16:00.
7 Teal: SP283268. 16:00.
37 Mallard: SP283268. 16:00.
2 Herring Gull: Over. SP283268. 16:00.
3 Black-headed Gull: SP283268. 16:00.
4 Stonechat: 2m, 2f. On the marsh scrub at the small lake near Cornwell – two pairs. SP283268. 16:00.
3 Chiffchaff: SP283268. 16:00.
9 Swallow: Migrating through. SP283268. 16:00.
Meadow Pipit: SP283268. 16:00.
7 Teal: SP283268. 16:00.
37 Mallard: SP283268. 16:00.
2 Herring Gull: Over. SP283268. 16:00.
3 Black-headed Gull: SP283268. 16:00.
Steve Akers