• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Friday 9th December 2022


Dec 10, 2022 , , , ,

Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)

Bewick’s Swan off Chappell hide, 5x Whooper Swan at 11:00, Scaup still, Dunlin, Woodcock, Caspian Gull, 5x YL Gull, 

                                                        Whooper Swans by GJ Mant

Westport Lake

GBB Gull, 7x Pochard, 3x Goosander, Shoveler, (NJS)

Endon – Denford

Little Egret, Jack Snipe, Snipe, Stonechat, (DCo)

Doxey Marsh

Great Egret, Goosander, Peregrine, Stonechats, Cetti’s Warblers, (RRa)  –  Barn Owl (per MGo)

Caverswall – Blythe Bridge

8x Snipe along the River Blythe, (COs)

Branston GPs

Scaup, 10x Goldeneye, Goosander, 137x Pochard, 48x Wigeon, Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, Woodcock, 6x Snipe, 15x Curlew, 3x Dunlin, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, 46x Little Grebe, 3x Water Rail, 2x YL Gull, 6x GBB Gull, Peregrine, 3x Green Woodpecker, 8000x, Starling, 2x Stonechat, 30x Linnet, 4x Redpoll, (JWo)