• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia



Nov 28, 2022 ,

A cracking visit to Llys-y-fran with Paul this evening (though no sign of the Bonys unfortunately). As the last visit the early gulls were a bit scattered with no clear roost forming, so a bit of walking required to cover the groups that were there. At least 10 Med gulls (4 adults, 5 1w and a 3cy), 5 Yellow-legs (4 adult and a 1cy), 5 Common gull. (I’m sure we underestimate all three of these species). But best was still to come. Moving along the edge stopping to check as we went it was great to see last years Ring-billed/LBB gull had returned and looking really smart, what a striking gull and one I like to think has a little sentimental connection following on from the old Ring-billed gull that visited for so many years. Next up was a 1 winter Little gull (a first for both of us here) and interesting to see in similar surroundings to the Bonys and clearly so very different with it’s small size and overall darker appearance making it standout. We’re getting to the white-winger time of year so a relief when Paul picked out a juv Iceland, I had a quick look through his scope to get my bearings but before I could get my own scope on it all the gulls noisily got up with lots of raucous calling as 1,000s of gulls wheeled around. Only a handful of gulls remained on the water including what may have been the cause of the panic, a lump of a juv Glaucous gull, and so, along with Black headed, GBB and Herring gull making it a 10 gull species visit. Top gulling at a top gulling site. A massive roost tonight and still many gulls only arriving as we were leaving – it always makes us wonder what else might be there… always next time.