• Fri. Jul 12th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Monday 20th February 2023


Chatterley Whitfield

Little Egret and 2x Goosander, (PMo)


Red Kite over the village at 10:00, (JDr)

Pendeford Mill

Little Egret this am, (RMo)

Middleton Lakes

Redshank, Ringed Plover, 6x Oystercatcher, 3x Snipe, Avocet  reported briefly, 4x Shelduck, Pintail, 2x Pochard, 11x Goldeneye, Stonechat, (MSm)  –  additional Ringed Plover , Stonechat, (SPA)


Peregrine low over Teddington Road, (HKi)

Whitemoor Haye

Corn Bunting, Barnacle Goose also 2x Little Egret along the River Tame, (BGe)  –  2x Merlin, Great Egret, Little Egret, (RBe)

Branston GPs

9x Avocet dropped into Ashy pit at 16:03, (SBl)  –  2x Woodcock, 16x Snipe, 2x Ringed Plover, 3x Green Sandpiper, 9x Curlew, 3x Dunlin, 5x Ruff, 3x Redshank, 2x Oystercatcher, 656x Golden Plover, 750x Lapwing, 4x Water Rail, 2x Little Egret, 3x Goosander, 15x Goldeneye, 22x Pochard, 39x Shelduck, 29x Little Grebe, 3x YL Gull, 3x Green Woodpecker, 2x Cetti’s Warbler, Stonechat, (JWo)

                                                          Avocets by Jon Woodcock

Kings Bromley (A515 layby)

2x Little Egret. 8x Egyptian Geese, 9x Wigeon, (BHa)


Caspian Gull, 1w Med Gull, YL Gull, GN Diver, Shag, (JAl)