• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Monday 9th October 2023


Oct 10, 2023 , , , ,

Following a influx of Redwings and Fieldfares on the east coast in recent days there were good numbers passing through Staffs this morning.


Bittern over calling at 00:55 heading east, (JWo)

Blithfield Resv

08:15 to 14:15 – 2x juv Turnstone top of Blithe Bay at 08:50, 2x Grey Plover, 19x Ringed Plover, 7x Dunlin, Ruff,  2x Rock Pipit N side of causeway viewable east side of blue railings, 4x Great Egret, 54x Wigeon, 5x Pintail, 7x Red Kite, 2x YL Gull, 25x Skylark, 1100x Redwing, Fieldfares, Stonechat. (SRi)

                                                             Rock Pipit by GJ Mant

Branston GPs

Cattle Egret on Ashy pit sheep field, Great Egret, 14x Little Egret, 2x Ruff, Dunlin, 9x Curlew, Green Sandpiper, 3x Common Sandpiper, 150x Lapwing, 3x Shelduck, 62x Gadwall, 149x Shoveler, 26x Wigeon, 37x Pochard, 2x Pintail, 10x Egyptian Geese, 126x Little Grebe, 2x YL Gull, Common Gull, 2x GBB Gull, 4x Water Rail, 3x Green Woodpecker, 12x Stonechat, 50x Linnet, 5x Siskin, 2x Redpoll, 5x Cetti’s Warbler, (JWo, CEc, Dean, SBI, George)

River Sow Meadows

291x Redwing over SW, 15x Fieldfare, 113x Lapwing, 12x Snipe, 10x Wigeon, Cetti’s Warbler, (RSw)

Smestow Valley

Vis mig 07:00 to 09:00 – 199x Redwing, 17x Fieldfare, 10x Greenfinch, Little Egret, Snipe, (KCl)


Grey Plover reported on BG this am was a Berryhill site tick.

Endon – Denford

279x Redwing and 5x Fieldfare over, Skylark over, Snipe, Ashes pool 53x Lapwing, 2x Snipe, (DCo)

Belvide Resv

Spotted Redshank still, 3x Grey Plover, 13x Dunlin, 6x Ringed Plover, 2x Garganey, 353x Teal, 79x Wigeon, 203x Gadwall, 3x Goosander.

Middleton Lakes

Water Pipit reported briefly on JW. 


60x Redwing, Red Kite, 12x Siskin, (TEy)


300x Redwing,