• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia



National Bird
USA 92 mins

“A chilling exposé [that] highlights the morally murky waters into which ongoing conflicts and advanced technology have led us.” – Hollywood Reporter

In Afghanistan, a shadow war of invisible, ruthless and unaccountable soldiers is being waged in the sky and on the ground. This is the age of the drone and Afghanistan is the experimental field on which the ethics and possibilities of a deadly new technology are being determined.

Sonia Kennebeck’s unsettling National Bird follows three former drone operators struggling with the murderous effects of their actions. Backed by Errol Morris and Wim Wenders, it’s a searing dispatch from the frontline of a war that doesn’t have a frontline any more – simply lists of those who can be targeted, and an ever-mounting death toll of the innocent.


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