• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Newport 20th May


May 22, 2023 , , ,

From Bob Philpott:

20 May.   Walk from Parrog,  Newport along the cliff path in the direction of Dinas Head.
House Martin in some numbers presumably breeding on the cliff face.  Couldn’t actually see where they were going.
Chough.   Two birds calling, tumbling and going into a probable nest site.
Kittiwake.   Probably 10 nests in the bit we were walking on.
Fulmar.  Two nests seen with about six birds about.
Shag.  (I think, didn’t have my scope).   On nest on rocky outcrop.
birds seen.   Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Herring gull (one nest seen),
lesser black backed, dunnock and whitethroat on gorse on path edge,  one
or two swallow, rock pipit, oystercatchers (Inc eight flying in
formation), two shelduck on the Newport sands side.
About six species of butterfly.
Forest. Late afternoon.   Wood warbler and Pied Flycatcher.    Both by
the visitors hut inside the entrance.    Others included chiffchaff,
willow warbler, several robins, blackbirds and chaffinch.    I didn’t
get a redstart which was one of the birds I was hoping for.