• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Plumstone Mountain


It was a pleasant surprise yesterday in spotting a Ring Ouzel in the hawthorn-gorse scrubby area to the southwest of the rock and a reminder to self to always check out the common local residents. Normally at least one pair of blackbirds is here. It was mobile and flew around the heath. It would be nice to think it was looking for a breeding territory rather than just passing through. 

It dropped in on the recently ploughed grassy field on the saddle between Plumstone and Dudwell, where there were Stonechats and several Wheatears feeding, some of them probably Greenland  types. The field looks promising for other migrants. The pony field in the southeast corner also held several Wheatear, making at least 14 in total, and two House Martins flew low though my field of view. Several species of warblers were around and singing, including my first Whitethroat and a Cuckoo was callling in the distance to the north.