• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Purple heron, Castlemartin Corse


After three failed attempts – finally managed to connect with the Purple heron this evening, and what a perfect evening as well. A rainbow and pink washed sky. Paul and I had sat in the hide since 5:30pm continuously scanning when at 7:20pm we picked up the soft quark, quark, quark calls as the heron flew in from the west, we only got on it as it got level with the hide midway across the Corse, it then looped back towards us before continuing inland. I dashed to the gap in the hedge expecting to still have it in view but it had presumably come down. 

The drake Garganey was on the pool beside the hide from almost the moment we arrived when it flew in from nearby and remained until we left, the Coot would patrol around from time to time chasing away any mallards but the Garganey just backed into the reeds and waited until the coast was clear. First 3 Swift of the year among the many hirundines. Dozen Stock dove in the fields opposite.