• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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RSPB challenges National Grid’s Suffolk coast proposals that could damage protected areas for wildlife


UK energy giant National Grid is proposing that new undersea energy cables could emerge onto land and pass through the middle of RSPB North Warren and RSPB Minsmere nature reserves in Suffolk – potentially causing huge damage to wildlife and nature habitats on the Suffolk coast.

The current proposals could also pass these electric interconnector cables through the middle of the Leiston/Aldeburgh Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI – an area that is of particular interest to science due to the rare flora and fauna located there) and through part of the Minsmere/Walberswick Special Protection Area (SPA – a specially protected area for birds).

RSPB North Warren, near Aldeburgh, could be affected by National Grid’s proposed ‘Sea Link and EuroLink interconnector cables’ (which could also affect Leiston-Aldeburgh SSSI).

RSPB North Warren contains grazing marshes, reedbeds, heathland and woodland. Thousands of ducks, swans and geese use the marshes in winter while spring brings breeding bittern and marsh harrier. The reserve is a finely balanced set of habitats and the species that live there would be particularly susceptible to any disturbance from works at the site, the RSPB warns.

Bittern, copyright Glyn Sellors, from the surfbirds galleries

RSPB Minsmere near Saxmundham, could be affected by National Grid’s proposed ‘EuroLink interconnector cable’, (which could also affect the Minsmere/Walberswick SPA). RSPB Minsmere, already facing huge disturbance from the planned Sizewell C power station being built on its doorstep, will now face further impacts if these National Grid proposals go ahead.

Currently celebrating its 75th anniversary, hugely diverse wildlife is found at RSPB Minsmere due to its rich and varied landscapes, which are national conservation priorities. These include wetlands, shingle vegetation and lowland heath which support species such as woodlark, nightjar, nightingale and the iconic stone curlew.

As part of a National Grid consultation that closes on 18 December, the RSPB is challenging National Grid to look for more strategic options for these potential ‘landfall sites’, where electric cables come ashore, and onshore cable routes that will minimise their impacts on important wildlife sites on the Suffolk coast.

The RSPB is also asking the public to have their say on these potential proposals, and contribute their thoughts to the public consultation by emailing the National Grid consultations before the 18 December deadline.

Adam Rowlands, RSPB Suffolk Area Manager said: “Whilst we understand the need to be able to get electricity to people’s homes and businesses particularly during these difficult times, we are outraged at the complete lack of strategic planning by National Grid to prioritise options which would minimise the impacts on nature and wildlife along the Suffolk coast.

“‘Steam rolling’ through the middle of areas which have been afforded protected status due to their exceptionally high value to nature and wildlife and scenic beauty just makes no sense, especially at such a critical time when we are in a climate and nature emergency and nature seems to be under threat from every direction.

“We strongly urge National Grid to remove these nature damaging proposals and look at alternative routes which would not heavily impact wildlife. Every voice counts and we encourage anyone concerned about this to make their voices heard and send their thoughts into National Grid’s consultation before the closing date.”

Members of the public can have their say on this public consultation advising if they think these options should be removed from National Grid proposals and to ask them to look at options which minimise these damaging effects on wildlife.

· Email comments regarding the proposed Sea Link interconnector (which could affect RSPB North Warren and Leiston-Aldeburgh SSSI) to contact@sealink.nationalgrid.com or fill in National Grid’s feedback forms at: Sea Link | National Grid ET

· Email comments regarding the EuroLink interconnector (which could affect both RSPB North Warren and Leiston-Aldeburgh SSSI and RSPB Minsmere and the Minsmere/Walberswick SPA) to info@eurolink.nationalgrid.com or fill in National Grids feedback forms at: EuroLink | National Grid Group

Further information about each of the proposed interconnectors can be found at the National Grid links above.