• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Saturday 11th November 2023


Dimmingsdale (Alton)

140x Pink-footed Geese over west at 09:30, (TEy)

Knypersley Resv

8x Mandarin on main lake, (GBr)


Lordship Lane 150x Pink-footed Geese over NE also 2x Little Egret, (RGi)

Radford Meadows Stafford

3x Great Egret flew north at 09:00, 2x Little Egret, 5x Pintail, 257x Lapwing, 42x Golden Plover, Redshank, 50x Pinkfoots over north at 10:10, (CDa)


20x Waxwing over west at 11:53, (RCB, IB)  –  2x Great Northern Diver and Shag still, 


3x Great Egret low NNE at 08:09, Jack Snipe flushed, 3x Common Snipe, 81x Fieldfare, (IMo, GCl)


200 – 300x Fieldfare, (JDu)

Wetley Moor

5x Stonechat, 15x Redpoll, (DCo)


Jack Snipe reported at 10:27 (BG), – Jack Snipe and 15x Snipe on the spit this am, (DOu, LOu)  –  27x Snipe on the spit, (JWo)  –  2x Little Egret, 60x Wigeon, 38x Pochard, Goldeneye, 2x Goosander thru, Cetti’s Warbler, (DSc)

Tittesworth Water

Great Egret, 435x Pink-footed Geese over in three skeins 08:15 to 08:44, 4x Snipe, 4x Pochard, 5x Wigeon, Willow Tit, (SGi)

                                                         Great Egret by Steve Gibson

Branston GPs

Juv Shag still Marley pit, imm Scaup, 6x Wigeon, 8x Pochard, 4x Goldeneye, 120x Lapwing, 4x Redshank, 12x Curlew, 2x Common Sandpiper, 4x Snipe, Green Woodpecker, Stonechat, 20x Fieldfare, 30x Redpoll, 5x Siskin, Little Egret, Chiffchaff, c5000 Starling roosted,  (DSc)

Branston Water Park

Fem type Scaup, Little Egret, Goosander, 7x Pochard, Cetti’s Warbler, Chiffchaff, (DSc)


2x Crossbill over this am, 15x Greenfinch, Green Woodpecker, (ICW)

Doxey Marsh

Pintail, 40x Wigeon, 5x Stonechat, (RRa)

Belvide Resv

41x Dunlin, 65x Golden Plover, 84x Pinkfoots NE, 3x Common Gull, 

Blithfield Resv

3x Great Egret, 8x Goldeneye, 8x Stonechat, YL Gull, 4x Common Gull, (MJa)


43x Pink-footed Geese north at 09:43, (JHu)