• Fri. Jul 12th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Standlake Pit 60: 21st April


Apr 22, 2023 , , , , ,
Standlake Pit 60
Garganey: drk. Seen during morning watch 7 …9 am. Not on later visit. 18:13.
Marsh Harrier: cream crown. 18:13.
Great White Egret: Early am. 18:13.
128 Teal: Minimum. 18:13.
26 Gadwall 18:13.
31 Shoveler 18:13.
2 Pintail: m n f. appeared c5pm. Not seen early am. Presume same birds as yesterday. 18:13.
Whitethroat: Working hedge south of LL hide. Foy. 18:13.
2 Cattle Egret: Sum plum. Foy actually on the pit. Came in with 9 little egrets. All left after wash and brush up. 18:13.

Mick Cunningham