• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Sunday 10th March 2024


Mar 11, 2024 , , , ,


8x Waxwing still at the co-op on Horninglow Road north (JTu, MBe)  –  now 11x Waxwing at 16:35, (PAn)

                                                                By Martin Bennett


Red Kite circling over Beaconsfield at 11:30, (GHa)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Drake Garganey still from track at side of BMW, (ABe)


2x Scaup still, 

Tittesworth Water

15x Mandarin, 13x Wigeon, 2x Pochard, 2x Goosander, 2x Shoveler, 3x Curlew, 4x Oystercatcher, Willow Tit, (JOa)

Whitemoor Haye

Slavonian Grebe still at 17:15, (PAn)

Branston GPs

2x Cattle Egret, 2x Little Egret, 30x Little Grebe, 86x Wigeon, 44x Shoveler, 150x Teal, 26x Pochard, 42x Goldeneye, 6x Oystercatcher, 16x Curlew, 150x Lapwing, 10x Dunlin, 3x Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Little Gull, 12x Common Gull, YL Gull, Cetti’s Warbler, 3x Chiffchaff, (DSc)