• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Sunday 15th January 2023


Jan 16, 2023 , , , ,

Endon STW

3x Pink-footed Geese, Stonechat, 5x Lapwing, Barn Owl, (GBr)


2x female Scaup, (IGr)  –  2x Red Kite over from the car park at 13:00 also 2x Egyptian Geese over, (ABe)

Westport Lake

18x Pochard, 4x Goosander, (NJS)  –  also 60x Siskin, Shoveler, (KSt)


c200 Pink-footed Geese heading SE at 13:18, (RGi)

Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)

Adult Kittiwake, 8x GBB Gull, 

Branston GPs

5x Pink-footed Geese still, 2x Egyptian Geese, 16x Shelduck, also Green Sandpiper and Stonechat reported, (PAn)   –  additional 28x Wigeon, 60x Pochard, 9x Goldeneye, Redshank, 14x Snipe, 3x GBB Gull, ad YL Gull, c4000 Starling roosted, 4x Egyptian Geese, Little Egret, (DSc)


2x Goldeneye, 4x Goosander, 8x Pochard, 82x Wigeon, c80 Teal, 12x Gadwall, 24x Lapwing, 3x Little Grebe, (JWo)

Barton Marina

6x Pochard, 26x Wigeon, 4x Little Grebe, Little Egret,  Common Gull, 3x Chiffchaff and on Barton village pond 4x Goosander, (JWo)

Kings Bromley (A515 layby)

Little Egret, 14x Wigeon, 11x Teal, 3x Little Grebe, (BHa)

Whitemoor Haye

Golden Plover, Lapwings, 13x Tree Sparrow, Great Egret, (PAn)  –  Afternoon count 1000 Lapwing, 2x Green Sandpiper, Snipe, Merlin, 53x Wigeon, 5x Pochard, 8x Gadwall, 4x Goldeneye, 2x Shelduck, 8x Shoveler, Goosander, 6x Little Grebe, c80 Stock Dove, Little Grebe, Great Egret, 12x Egyptian Geese, Peregrine, 6x Tree Sparrow, Chiffchaff, (SCo)

Tittesworth Water

Imm fem Scaup, 10x Pochard, 2x Woodcock, (SSe, SGi, RPo)  –  Willow Tit, Marsh Tit, (LDa, BDa)

                                                            Scaup by Steve Seal

Lower Penn

Fem/imm Merlin from Langley Road between Dimmingsdale bridge and Market Lane. (IMo,)

Holden Lane

5x Ring-necked Parakeet, (GSa)

Trentham Gardens

Dipper, 5x Little Egret, 8x Gadwall, 3x Mandarin, 3x Goosander, Water Rail, (RGi)


Caspian Gull, 4x YL Gull, in the roost, GN Diver Shag still.

Coven STW

4x Chiffchaff, 2x Blackcap, (GRu)