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  • Monday 28th August 2023

Monday 28th August 2023

Branston GPs Pintail, 40x Gadwall, 35x Shoveler, 6x Little Egret, 3x Curlew, Ruff, 3x Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 5x Snipe, 2x Whinchat, 8x Siskin flew east, 5x Egyptian Geese, Yellow…

Chipping Norton: 27th August

Chipping Norton Peregrine: juv. Present for over a week now. 18:00. Steve Akers

Venn Mill: 28th August

Venn Mill Shelduck Hatford: Sandpit Dunlin: juv. Hatford Wheatear: In field between Sandpit and Buckland Warren. Mark Merritt

North Woodstock Fields 28th August

Cattle egret – 4 adults in field with a small herd of cattle next to the minor road connecting the A44 and B4027. They are using this area regularly at…

MOD College, Watchfield: 28th August

MOD College, Watchfield Nuthatch: SU251890. 17:43. White Horse Hill: Dragon Hill 50 Linnet: SU298863. 17:43. Guy Goldsmith

MOD College, Watchfield: 28th August

MOD College, Watchfield 5 Spotted Flycatcher: ad with 4 juv. SU250890. 17:33. Guy Goldsmith

Sunday 27th August 2023

Stanley Pool 2x Common Tern, (GBr) Belvide Resv Juv Turnstone 09:20 to 09:35 only, 9x Common Sandpiper, LRP, 2x Greenshank, 3x Dunlin, 3x Snipe, Garganey still, Goosander, 12x Little Egret,…

Venn Mill: 27th August

Venn Mill Tree Pipit: Over, calling. 18:00. Leo Bateman

Otmoor: Central: 27th August

Otmoor: Central Green Sandpiper: Flyover calling. SP560134. 19:50. 2 Great White Egret: On the small island with dead tree. SP560134. 19:50. Matthew Lloyd

Hatford: Sandpit: 27th August

Hatford: Sandpit 2 Greenshank Common Sandpiper 9 Egyptian Goose Mark Merritt Greenshank courtesy of Mark Merritt.