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Feral Pigeons – St Brides

In response to Dave’s post – we have been looking at a small flock of pigeons at St Brides for years. As with the Martins Haven birds they nest on…

Black Redstart St Brides

 Female black redstart on the church roof at St Brides, 2  turnstone on the rocks in the bay and a red throated diver further out.  Green winged teal showing well…

Cuckoo (deceased) – St Brides

Photos from Derek. The summer visit to Pembrokeshire didn’t go as planned for this unfortunate cuckoo, found this morning in the church yard, looks like a local peregrine(?) was on…

Swallows St Brides Saturday

As the northerly wind eased off in the evening 26 Swallows in a loose flock flew up the valley from the Gann to St Brides.  Rosemary Royle

St Brides

 Early on this morning – a quick look around the woods at St Brides – v quiet, a single Chiffchaff the highlight. Slightly north, on the pond at ‘The Falls’,…

St Brides and Llys-y-fran

Very similar to Dave’s visit of yesterday. The Yellow-browed warbler was high up in the large oak opposite the castle, it seemed to be on it’s own. After watching it…