• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

St Brides and Llys-y-fran


Very similar to Dave’s visit of yesterday. The Yellow-browed warbler was high up in the large oak opposite the castle, it seemed to be on it’s own. After watching it for 5-10 minutes it flew into a nearby ash tree and lost to view. A Firecrest was in the holly tree by the oak. 1-2 Chiffchaff here and maybe 2-3 more by the scouts cottage. 2 Spotted flycatchers, one in the ash behind the WC and another opposite the scouts cottage. A female Blackcap. Chacks of Fieldfare in the big woods and flocks of chaffinch. Kestral being mobbed by Jackdaws. A Little egret and 20 Oystercatchers on the beach.

Llys-y-fran. 5 Yellow-legged gulls (4 adult and a 3cy). 500 LBB gulls at 5:30pm had increased to 1,500 at 5:45pm, before another big arrival that coincided with a downpour and had me heading for home. A black mantled Intermedius LBB, 30 BH gulls, 6 Common gull (2 adult, 4 1w).