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Cattle Egret, The Gann

A single Cattle Egret was hanging out with the gulls at the Gann this afternoon. Initially it was on the beach near the shoreline until chased off by a crow…

The Gann Sunday 24th Sept

From Sammy Allen: Redshank Greenshank Lesser yellowlegs  Chough Brent Goose Curlew Dunlin Turnstone Bar tailed godwit

Hrota Brents at The Gann. 11.9.23

Nice Surprise yesterday evening when a party of 10 Pale-bellied Brent Geese suddenly appeared at the Gann (this year’s young birds with them.). Looking tired, resting, preening and washing. It’s…

Gann Tuesday pm

Highlight at the Gann on Tuesday pm was a juvenile Wheatear – no rings. Plenty of Curlews and Whimbrel and two very red Black-tailed Godwits.  Rosemary Royle

Gann – Little Ringed Plover

A smart juvenile Little Ringed Plover picked up by Lisa at the top of the lagoon this evening (I thought it was a stone from behind!).  This species is getting more…

Gann waders

Amazing how each day is different at the Gann.  Yesterday – no Sanderling.  This evening – 105! I have never seen anything approaching this number of Sanderling together, indeed a quick…

Gann Brents

Didn’t manage to get out today, but on Monday and Tuesday still a decent amount of Brent Geese, 35 on Monday and 26 on Tuesday.  There were 4 dark-bellied /…

Gann gullfest

Doing our WEBS count today at the Gann we were amazed to see huge numbers of gulls at high tide. There are usually a few around but not these numbers.…

Little gull, The Gann

Brief stop-off to check the small gulls on the pools late morning. One of the adult Little gulls was paddling around behind Crabhall. Walking back to the car I scanned…

Gann – Little Gulls

Two different adult Little Gull this lunchtime, one on the lagoon opposite Crabhall Barn before flying off westwards over the fields, and then a different bird about 45 minutes later…