• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


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Goodwick, Lesser Scaup and Dowrog Common 12/2

From Sam O’Donnell: At least 6 Red-throated Divers at Goodwick Harbour this morning. Also Common Scoter, Gannet, Guillemots, Razorbills, Med Gulls, Kingfisher.  Had a Jack Snipe in flight at Llangloffan…

Lesser Scaup still 31.12.23

From Richard Bonser: The 1st-winter female Lesser Scaup was still at Penberry Reservoir this afternoon. Feel sorry for it – single duck on a windswept farm pool having done a…

Possible Lesser Scaups

More photos of interesting birds… These from Clare Ryland taken at Penberi on the 14th.. With a Tufted Duck We would welcome additional photos, especially of open wing, for this…

Lesser Scaup

What appears to be a first-winter female Lesser Scaup today at Bosherston Pools, photographed on the Eastern Arm below the 8 Arch Bridge by Caroline Pickett.

Presidential Veto is Last Chance for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Recovery

President Biden has vetoed a Congressional Review Act resolution, Senate Joint Resolution 9, from overturning protections for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This move comes after both the House and…

More on the Lesser Yellowlegs

From Alan Seago: The Lesser Yellowlegs showed really well at Llangwm between 5 00 and 6.00pm Sunday. It was seen feeding along the tideline walking from Llangwm towards Llangwm Ferry.…

Lesser Yellowlegs

From Graham Brace: There was no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs in and around Llangwm and Edwards Pill this morning or along the tideline at Llangwm Ferry. However, with the…

Lesser Yellowlegs, Llangwm yesterday

After a fruitless search for the Yellowlegs yesterday afternoon, we met a local resident birder, who told us he was pretty sure he’d just seen it, but only had binoculars.…

Lesser Yellowlegs – Llangwm / Short-toed Lark Update

A Lesser Yellowlegs was present at Llangwm Pill at about 5 pm this afternoon (first seen there by a holidaymaker yesterday). The bird could be seen from the path at…

Lesser Whitethroat

 A singing Lesser Whitethroat at Llanychaer this morning ( couldn’t find any last year) also male Pied Flycatcher singing by the wooden bridge it seems to still be trying to…