• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


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Hobby, Martin’s Haven

 A Hobby cruised over at around midday – lots of alarm calls from the recently-fledged Swallows 

More Sand Martins, plus a Whimbrel

Continuing the Sand Martin theme, I was delighted to find a flourishing colony on the banks of the Western Cleddau, around a quarter of a mile down from Treffgarne Bridge.…

Feral Pigeons – Martin’s Haven

I’ve always been intrigued by Feral Pigeons that breed in a few isolated locations on the Pembrokeshire cliffs, to my mind as close as you can get to the original Rock…

Sand Martins – Teifi Marshes

At least 7 Sand Martins feeding over the Teifi Marshes this evening

Dale sand martins

 Three sand martins were hawking over the fields in the centre of Dale village for most of the afternoon – my first of the year. 

Martin’s Haven

 Wonderfully quiet day: you can hear the calls of individual Lapwing and Golden Plover many fields away. The Lapwing are very well spread across the Trehill Farm fields, but the…

Wryneck – Martins Haven

Along with fellow birders Dave Gilbert & Jeff Slocombe, I spent a morning hoping to get some shots of the Wryneck. After a couple of hrs we managed to get…

Sand Martins, Newgale

From Merv Hopkins: Just a quick note to say there were still several sand martins feeding young at the colony by Newgale beach Monday evening.

House martins

 I stopped briefly in Cresswell Quay this afternoon.  Looks like a good population of House martins (and Swallows) are there.  Nice to see these days

Sand Martins

Walking the coast path above Marloes Sands last week Lisa and I noticed a number of Sand Martins around the cliff tops and above the beach, so it seemed likely there…