• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024


The Pet encyclopedia

Martin’s Haven


Jan 13, 2024 , ,

 Wonderfully quiet day: you can hear the calls of individual Lapwing and Golden Plover many fields away. The Lapwing are very well spread across the Trehill Farm fields, but the Golden Plover seem more concentrated in a couple of fields overlooking the Mere: over 200 in the flock.

In the valley this afternoon, the only bird initially was a super-confiding Robin, but a Snipe flew low along the stream – not sure if I had flushed it – and a Little Egret flew up from the beach.

Finally, at c.1645, I flushed a very pale-looking Short-eared Owl from the garden, and it flew across the Deer Park in the direction of Skomer.