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Marloes Peninsula Day Out with Little Ringed Plover, 1st May

As a dedicated follower of the weather forecasts, I took the opportunity to visit various sites on the peninsula on the first, and possibly only, sunny day for a while,…

Little ringed plover, Marloes Mere

A Little ringed plover beside a flood in the field behind the toilet block this evening, always keeping low out of the stiff westerly. About a dozen Pied wagtail and…

Lapwings & Golden Plover 12/2

From Vicky Pearson: Still large numbers of Lapwing and Golden Plover at Trehill Farm. Good views from the hide and from the road. And on the water – a few…

Golden Plover in the ploughed Trehill field

Thanks to Dave Astins for the tip. They were really worth seeing this morning, packed tightly together, shimmering in the sunshine.  Rosemary Royle

Grey Plover last light Cote 28/11/23


American Golden Plover

It wasn’t around this morning, but true to form the American Golden Plover was present late afternoon in its favoured spot about 50m north of the car park.  If you sit…

Grackle / Plover

 The Grackle still entertaining a small group of birders early afternoon in the car park at Nolton Haven. The American Golden Plover was still present mid afternoon (George Mee) on the…

American Golden Plover etc

The adult American Golden Plover was still at the Gann at dusk on the high tide, showing exceptionally well, although I couldn’t find it this morning. A great day out with…

American Golden Plover @ the Gann

A very confiding moulting adult American Golden Plover at the Gann this evening, on the beach at high tide no more than 100m north of the car park.  The 3 Cattle…

Gann – Little Ringed Plover

A smart juvenile Little Ringed Plover picked up by Lisa at the top of the lagoon this evening (I thought it was a stone from behind!).  This species is getting more…