• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024


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Westfield Pill/Neyland Prom.

 Westfield Pill,  Great White Egret,Firecrest,pair of Gadwall,single Wigeon,and flock of  about 30 Siskins. Neyland Prom,  Black Redstart,and Great Crested Grebe,

Westfield Pill / Deer Park

A group of about 20 hirundines, most of them House Martins, were feeding over the water at Westfield Pill earlier today. I also had an excellent view of a Kingfisher,…

Westfield Pill – Yesterday

 From Sandra Coates-Smith – Friday afternoonTwo firecrests in bushes/trees on the pill side of the path, between the overhead wires and the narrow ‘weir’ section of the pill.